Monsoon season is officially here, bringing the perfect weather for sipping chai and enjoying pakoras. While the rains offer a much-needed respite from the heat, they also usher in various diseases. During this time, people often start falling sick more frequently. One significant concern is the quality of the water in our households, which can appear dirty, smell different, and are often contaminated.

Drinking water straight from the tap during the monsoon season can lead to illness, which is particularly worrying when you have small children at home. This is why getting a water purifier on rent during the monsoon season is an excellent option for your family.

Let’s find out why!

Water Purifier in Monsoon- why is it necessary?

Yes, yes we know monsoon is a refreshing season with cool, pleasant rains. However, it also increases the risk of waterborne diseases. Rainwater can mix with tap water, making it dirty and unsafe. Here is why you need a water purifier on rent, especially during the monsoons:

  1. Contaminated water sources: 
  • During monsoon season, water sources such as rivers, lakes, and even groundwater can become contaminated with harmful microorganisms, pesticides, and other pollutants.
  • Flooding can also cause sewage to mix with drinking water sources, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.

2. Improved taste and odor:

  • Rainwater runoff can alter the taste and odor of tap water, making it unpleasant to drink.
  • A water purifier on rent helps remove these undesirable characteristics, providing fresh and clean-tasting water.

3. Removal of microorganisms:

  • Monsoon conditions favor the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in water.
  • Advanced water purifiers with UV or RO technology effectively eliminate these microorganisms, ensuring safe drinking water.

4. Health protection:

  • Drinking contaminated water can lead to severe health issues, particularly for young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.
  • Using a water purifier on rent reduces the risk of gastrointestinal infections and other waterborne illnesses.

5. Convenience and peace of mind:

  • Relying on bottled water can be costly and environmentally unfriendly, given the plastic waste it generates.
  • A water purifier provides a continuous supply of clean water, eliminating the hassle and cost of purchasing bottled water.

6. Cost-effective solution:

  • Renting a water purifier is an affordable option, especially during the monsoon season when the risk of water contamination is high.
  • When renting a water purifier, most brands offer free maintenance and filter replacement, ensuring the purifier remains in optimal working condition.

water purifier

How Water Purifiers Avoid Contamination of Drinking Water

Here is how a water purifier on rent keeps your family healthy and disease-free by providing safe drinking water:

1. Filtration process

  • Sediment filters: These are the first line of defense in a water purifier on rent. They remove larger particles like dirt, sand, and rust from the water.
  • Activated carbon filters: These filters are excellent at removing chlorine, bad odors, and tastes. They also absorb harmful organic chemicals such as pesticides and solvents.
  • RO (Reverse Osmosis) membranes: RO technology uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved salts, heavy metals, and other impurities. It effectively reduces TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) levels, making the water safe and palatable.
  • UF (Ultrafiltration) membranes: These membranes remove bacteria and viruses while allowing essential minerals to pass through.

2. Disinfection methods

  • UV (Ultraviolet) purification: UV purifiers use ultraviolet light to kill or inactivate harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. This method is chemical-free and highly effective in neutralizing pathogens.
  • UF (Ultrafiltration) technology: UF technology involves a membrane that filters out bacteria and viruses. It is often used with other purification methods to ensure 100% protection against pathogens.

3. Advanced technologies

  • RO+UV/UF combinations: Some of the best water purifiers on rent combine RO and UV or UF technologies to ensure thorough purification. This multi-stage approach ensures that the water is free from various contaminants, including dissolved impurities and microorganisms.
  • TDS controllers/mineralizers: Some water purifiers include TDS controllers or mineralizers that restore essential minerals lost during the RO process. This ensures the water is safe, healthy, and pleasant to the taste.

4. Microbial contamination removal

  • Pathogen elimination: Water purifiers are designed to eliminate various pathogens that cause waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. This is particularly important in regions where water contamination is common during monsoon seasons.
  • Biofilm prevention: By continuously filtering and disinfecting water, purifiers prevent the formation of biofilms, which are colonies of bacteria that can form on surfaces in water systems.

5. Chemical contaminant removal

  • Heavy metals: RO membranes are highly effective in removing heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury, which can be harmful even in small quantities.
  • Pesticides and herbicides: Activated carbon filters in purifiers can absorb various organic chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides, preventing them from entering the drinking water supply.
  • Industrial pollutants: Water purifiers can remove various industrial pollutants that might contaminate water sources, ensuring the water remains safe for household use.

6. Physical contaminant removal

  • Particulate matter: Sediment filters and other pre-filtration stages remove particulate matter, such as dirt, sand, and rust, which can compromise water quality.
  • Turbidity reduction: By removing suspended solids, water purifiers significantly reduce turbidity, making the water clear and more aesthetically pleasing.

7. Continuous maintenance and monitoring

  • Filter replacement alerts: Many modern water purifiers come with apps that alert users when it’s time to replace filters, ensuring the system remains effective.
  • Self-cleaning mechanisms: Some advanced models feature self-cleaning mechanisms that prevent the buildup of contaminants within the purifier, maintaining optimal performance.

8. Health Benefits

  • Safe drinking water: Water purifiers provide safe drinking water by removing harmful contaminants, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Improved taste and odor: Purified water is free from bad tastes and odors, making it more enjoyable to drink and encouraging proper hydration.
  • Essential minerals: Certain purifiers add back essential minerals, ensuring the water is not only safe but also beneficial for health.


At DrinkPrime, everyone deserves access to safe drinking water without the hassle and high costs of purchasing a water purifier. That’s why we offer subscription plans where you can rent our state-of-the-art RO and UV water purifiers

By subscribing to us, you avoid the upfront costs and maintenance worries of owning a water purifier. We also provide regular maintenance and filter replacements, ensuring your DrinkPrime purifier is always in top condition. Plus, our advanced purification technology removes impurities, harmful bacteria, and viruses, providing your family with clean, safe, and healthy drinking water 24/7!

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