One of the biggest challenges currently faced in India is the conservation of water. To tackle the water scarcity issues in various parts of the country, like Bengaluru and Delhi, we need to conserve water, or in other words, optimize the way we use water. A large number of freshwater resources in India are contaminated due to various reasons including industrial chemical waste, thereby making clean and safe drinking water one of the most limited resources across the world. This gives us more reason as to why we should collectively take steps to conserve water

While there are several initiatives and projects launched in India to conserve water, we, as individuals, can always begin with water conservation at home. By implementing a few simple changes in our daily routines, we can make a significant contribution to sustainable water consumption. Here is how you can easily control water wastage and conserve water at home:

Understanding Water Testing: Why It's Essential for Your Health



The kitchen is one of the biggest contributors to water consumption as well as water wastage at home. However, these easy ways to conserve water in the kitchen can bring about a huge change.

  • Reuse as and when possible

Collect water whenever possible. The water collected while rinsing off soapy water from the dishes can be reused to clean the floors. One may also re-use the water waste collected from RO purifiers.

  • Rinse in bowls

While washing fruits and vegetables is important, doing so under running tap water is not advisable, as it only leads to unnecessary water waste. Try soaking them in a bowl and washing them in the same.

  • Don’t keep the water running

Not turning the tap off is a bad habit most of us have developed. We must ensure turning the tap off unless completely required while washing dishes and cooking. 

  • Avoid defrosting under running water

Frozen vegetables and fruits can be simply kept at room temperature for a while to defrost completely before use. Rinsing under running water only leads to unnecessary usage of water. 

  • Invest in good-quality faucets or taps

Ensuring quality checks of the gadgets installed is essential. Hence, you should always check for leakage in taps or any other installations in the bathroom.

BONUS TIP– Using a water purifier with minimum water wastage, like the DrinkPrime water purifier, can make a huge difference in the amount of wastewater generated at home!


The washroom is another major concern when it comes to water wastage, and we tend to neglect it. Follow these easy steps to conserve water in the bathroom.

  • Always check for leaks.

Ensure that the bathroom taps and toilets are not leaking. A hack for identifying toilet leakage is to put food coloring in the toilet’s water tank. This way, you can take steps to stop leakage faster.

  • Brush your teeth with the tap turned off

Keeping the tap water running while brushing teeth wastes an enormous amount of water. 

  • Limit your shower duration

One of the easiest ways to conserve water is to reduce the time you take a shower. This automatically reduces water usage.

  • Reuse water for cleaning the bathroom

Water collected while showers and other uses at home, like the kitchen, can be reused to clean bathroom floors. 

  • Install water-saving shower heads

The gadgets installed in your bathrooms play a crucial role in the amount of water used in the household. Too fancy or wide-coverage showers will lead to more water usage than you actually need.

  • Avoid bathtubs

Bathtubs contribute to gallons of water wastage in each household. Try using bathtubs only occasionally, like once a week or so. This will save you an immense amount of water.

  • Invest in a low-flow toilet

Low-flow toilets use less water as compared to the usual ones while still being fully efficient. 

  • Do the laundry only on a full load

Doing laundry too often may waste water. To conserve water, you can do the laundry or use the washing machine only when a certain number of clothes pile up.


Keeping your lawn and plants healthy while conserving water requires a lot of strategy and practice. Here is how you can conserve water in your garden and outdoor areas: 

  • Keep plants that are of low maintenance

Opt for native plants that are naturally adapted to your climate and require less water.

  • Do not overwater the plants

Allow the water to penetrate the root zone by soaking the soil rather than sprinkling water now and then.

  • Water only the soil, not the leaves

Focus on watering the soil only, as the leaves don’t need to be watered separately, even though a refreshing shower may seem appealing.

  • Opt for watering cans instead of hoses

Watering cans allow you to be more controlled and target plants individually as compared to hoses that lack precision.

  • Cover the swimming pool

Keeping the swimming pool covered will reduce the loss of water levels from evaporation and also keep the water cleaner. 

  • Avoid ornamental features

Decorative ornaments that do not recycle water cause a tremendous amount of water loss and serve no other purpose.

  • Practice Mulching

Applying a layer of mulch or organic material around your plants helps retain moisture in the soil, reducing evaporation and the need for frequent watering.

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These simple DIY water conservation techniques can help significantly reduce your home’s water footprint. Every drop of water saved counts! Be aware of your water consumption and spread awareness among your neighbors and loved ones, too. By implementing these tips in the kitchen, bathroom, and outdoors, you can contribute to a more sustainable future. 

If you use a water purifier, it’s essential to ensure it’s efficient and reduces water wastage too. This is where DrinkPrime comes in!

Here at DrinkPrime, we understand the importance of not only providing clean, safe, and healthy drinking water but also minimizing water wastage. That’s why our DrinkPrime RO+UV purifier is the perfect choice for conscious consumers like you.

All you have to do is subscribe to our wide range of plans according to your drinking water needs!

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