Getting access to pure and safe drinking water is a crucial element that you cannot afford to compromise on. On this one factor hinges the health of your family as the water that we have access to in current times, is riddled with a host of contaminants. Mere boiling alone will not be sufficient as boiling only removes microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. Your source water may contain more deadly contaminants like traces of heavy metals, high TDS, etc. This is where an advanced model water purifier will be useful. 

With multiple levels of filtration, a RO UV water purifier can eliminate most of the contaminants. Rental purifiers have taken over the world of water management and with their many rental subscription plans, they suit even the slimmest of budgets. But getting a rental purifier is the easier part, how exactly do you start using it? In this article, we provide a beginner’s guide on how to start using your purifier correctly, so that you get continuous access to pure water.

water purifier

How to start using your RO UV purifiers

  • Ensure proper installation: Getting your water purifier installed correctly will go a long way in its optimal functioning as well as make it easier for you to access it. If you have a smaller traditional kitchen, a wall-mounted water purifier will save up precious counter space, making it more convenient to work in the kitchen. Identify an area where you can access the filter and pipe easily. If you have a sleek modular kitchen, then you may consider using an under-counter filter. This will help to maintain the aesthetic of your kitchen space. Purifiers must always be installed away from sources of heat or excess moisture, for their optimal functioning. So, ensure you zero in a good spot before installation to make the process smoother.
  • Check your water pressure: The RO membrane is one of the most important parts of a water purifier and damage to it will compromise the functioning of the whole unit. A high water pressure may damage your purifier’s membrane, whereas a low water pressure will give low-output water. So, ensure that you check the inlet water pressure before installation. You can request the installation experts to do this before they start the process of installing the purifier to avoid confusion.
  • Proper sanitation: Like with every other appliance, when you rent Ro water purifier proper and consistent cleaning will go a long way in maintaining its efficiency. Ensure that you clean the exterior of the purifier at least every alternate day. This will ensure that the dust particles that settle on the surface of the appliance do not get into your purified water, thus defeating the purpose of purification. Make sure to clean the inside of the purifier every 6 months or at least annually. This is best done under professional guidance. Regular servicing of the purifier will help to detect any wear and tear of parts and take corrective action immediately. This also helps prevent infections due to compromised or damaged parts due to excessive sediment accumulation among other factors.
  • Filter replacements: The filters are one of the most crucial aspects of a purifier. They do a lot of heavy-duty purification daily and are prone to wear and tear as well as accumulation of sediments and contaminants. Ideally, they need to be replaced once a year, but it also depends on the severity of the contamination of your source water. If your purified water appears cloudy, there is a decrease in water pressure, your water starts emitting a foul smell or has an unpalatable taste, or water appears turbid, then it’s time to look at your water filter and replace it if needed. Ignoring these signs will lead to compromised purification, thus making your water susceptible to contamination.
  • Waste water management: Water purifiers tend to have a huge quantity of residual water as part of their purification process. For every 1000 ml of water that is purified, almost 650 ml is wastewater. You can ensure that this water is used effectively. Collect the outlet pipe water in a bucket and use it for various household chores like mopping floors, washing cars flushing toilets, etc. But it is important to test your reject water, before using it as it may not be suitable to be used. 

Additional tips

  • Always read the manual carefully and follow the instructions for the use and maintenance of the purifier.
  • Filters need to be replaced annually. But leakages, filter wear and tear, etc. may happen sooner depending on your source water. So, ensure such things do not go unnoticed.
  • Inspect the pressure nozzle and water tank consistently, for any signs of low water pressure.
  • Ensure that you seek professional guidance as per AMC. These experts will be able to identify even the slightest signs of damage and you can take immediate corrective actions saving you time and money.

Invest in your health with DrinkPrime

A good RO purifier on rent will eliminate your drinking water woes and keep things well within your budget as well. Being cognizant of how to start using your purifier in the correct way is also as important as identifying a good rental purifier. The best RO and UV water purifiers help you get pure water, only if you use it correctly and ensure adequate maintenance. 

And if you are looking for a good purifier, let us take care of your water needs so that you can enjoy pure water without worry and well within your budget. Over the years, DrinkPrime water purifiers have ensured clean drinking water to hundreds of households as well as corporates, ensuring satisfied and healthy customers.

With the latest technology purifiers, equipped with multi-stage RO and UV purification, your water will be free from impurities like dissolved salts, heavy metals, pathogens, and even the tiniest particles of dirt. 

With rental plans to suit every type of household and budget and relieved from appliance costs, maintenance, installation, and relocation charges, you can enjoy the benefits of a high-end purifier, at a fraction of the cost. So go ahead and subscribe!

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